Ordinances & Resolutions

Town Ordinances

On August 21, 2012 the Town of Dayton adopted a codification of town ordinances. The link to the Town of Dayton Municipal Code below links to a website containing all town ordinances that is search-able and has print features enabled.

Town of Dayton Municipal Code Updated thru Ordinance No. 13-05, enacted May 21, 2013.

These Adopted Ordinances are procedural in nature so they are not included in the Municipal Code.

Ordinance #12-01 to change office terms to coincide with the new dates for the annual meeting.

Adopted Town Ordinances pending inclusion in the Municipal Code. These Ordinances have been adopted by the town board; are in affect as of the date listed; but are subject to a final legal review and editing before inclusion in the published Municipal Code.

Town of Dayton ATV/UTV Ordinance will go into affect upon publication on August 30, 2018.

Room Tax Ordinance - Ordinance No. 21-2-16 (Amended 2021-09-21) An Ordinance Establishing an 8% Room Tax for the Town of Dayton

Town Board Adopted Resolutions

Some Town ordinances  and some Wisconsin State Statutes require that the Town Board adopt enabling resolutions from time to time. Town contracts that are continuing in nature requiring Town Board approval are also authorized by resolution.

Use link of resolution number to access resolution detail.

Resolution Adopted Reference
18-1-01 January 16 2018 Expense Resolution
12-08-01 August 21 2012 Approve Contract with Humane Society
12-09-01 September 18 2012 Update Town Road Map
12-10-01 October 16 2012 See update 13-02-01 Speed Limit Resolution
12-10-02 October 16 2012 Restrict Access to Little Hope Lake bed
12-10-03C October 25 2012 Create Little Hope Lake District
12-10-04 October 16 2012 Initial Powers of Lake District
12-12-02 December 18 2012 Establish Town Fee Schedule
12-12-03 December 18 2012 Set date for 2013 Town Caucus
12-12-05 December 18 2012 Establish Bridge/Culvert Weight Limits
12-12-07 December 18 2012 Weapons Policy in town buildings
13-01-01 January 15 2013 Establish No Parking/Restricted Parking areas
13-01-02 January 15 2013 Establish through streets/ Stop Signs
13-01-03 January 15 2013 Authorize DNR grant request off chain access points
13-01-04 January 15 2013 Approve extension of AECOM landfill monitoring
13-01-05 January 15 2013 Authorize DNR grant request chain access points
13-01-06 January 15 2013 Approve Charges for Town Services
13-02-01 February 18 2013 Update Speed Limit on Town Roads
13-02-02 February 18 2013 Amend Budget Capitol Expense
2022-06 June 21, 2022 Adopting New Fee Schedule