County Assessor will meet with the property owners whose property lines are undetermined on Saturday, June 25th, at 9 a.m. All owners have received a personal invitation to this meeting by US Mail.
Little Hope Support Committee held its last large group meeting on January 28, 2016. Any support from here on will be one-on-one. Minutes from January 28, 2016 Meeting
All committees are required to follow the Open Meetings Law by posting meetings in advance in three town locations, creating an agenda, and posting minutes.
At tonight’s (Oct. 20th) Board Meeting, we will rescind the Little Hope Lake District:
From now on this page will be used to announce anything we can to help the riparian owners with their properties.
The following link tells what the panel is going to cover on October 8th:
Crystal River Recovery Plan
Followup to October 8th Meeting;
Just confirmed with Jeff Henneman on invasive removal outside the view corridor. The answer is yes, invasives can be removed and in fact this is encouraged. The goal would be to remove the invasive species with a more desirable native species replacing it either naturally or with the landowners help.
I can try to follow up on any other general questions so we can get the answers out to everyone. All riparian owners are not on this email list but perhaps others will pass this around. As soon as practical, Roger will mail out answers to this question and any others that may come up to all riparian owners.
Jane Haasch
Little Hope Committee Chair
Little Hope Support Committee Charter
The Ad Hoc committee was formed in response to a general recognition of the needs of the residents surrounding the former Little Hope Pond who are now bordering newly found land after the draw down of the Little Hope Dam. As committee members you are a part of Dayton Township Government and must post your meetings at the three approved locations and on our web site through Jane Haasch. Meeting notes of major discussion points should be kept. The committee Chair will be Jane Haasch. A secretary needs to be elected by the committee members at the first meeting.
The goal of this committee is to assist the residents in the Little Hope area who were affected by land and water changes. The river restoration itself will take several years to recover to a truly natural state. However, the committee may be able to assist in organizing presentations from resource specialists in:
- Riparian Restoration
- Invasive’s
- Land Use
- Property Issues
These presentations may result in grant writing and/or meetings of sub groups affected only by certain issues. More complicated property issues will be dealt with through County Corporation Counsel and Waupaca County Register of Deeds.