
Parfreyville Cemetery

The Parfreyville Cemetery is the only open cemetery in the Town of Dayton.  Acquisition of a burial plot at the Parfreyville Cemetery can be arranged through the Town Treasurer at (715) 258-0930.  Please refer to the Parfreyville Cemetery Rules & Regulations for more information.

Other Cemeteries

  • Pleasant Valley Cemetery on Emmons Creek Road
    Gary Johnson 715-445-4674 or Becky Keilty 715-281-2009
  • Rural Cemetery in the Village of Rural
    Eugene Adams 715-258-3108 or John Hoftiezer 715-513-0910
  • Crystal Lake Cemetery on County Rd K near Crystal Lake Methodist Church
    Steve Suhs 715-258-9049 or Becky Hamm 715-258-8297