April Election Update

Even though the April 7th election day has passed the work for the election still continues.  All ballots cast April 7th are in sealed ballot boxes in the fire proof room at the town hall.  Clerks will be convening a Board Of Canvas at 4 pm on Monday, April 13th.  Outstanding absentee ballots which meet the laws/rules laid out by the Courts and the Wisconsin Election Commission will be tabulated.  The election equipment will then be closed out, final tape totals will be printed and all documentation will be taken to the County Clerk and respective school districts.  I want to thank the Board for their support during the last 3 very difficult weeks.  A special thank you to Jeff Henneman and John Hoftiezer for the plexiglass shields they built to protect the poll workers.  The shields worked perfectly.  Thank you Sally Hoftiezer and Bob Welch for the many hours given helping with the absentee voting.  I couldn’t have done it without you.  For the Spring/Presidential Preference election I would have normally processed approximately 20 absentee ballots, this election was 631.  A huge thank you to everyone who worked the polls.  Each of you chose to put yourself out there which allowed our citizens the opportunity to vote in a clean and safe environment.  Thank you to all the residents who were understanding, as the process was slower than usual.  It takes a team to have a successful election with no issues and I certainly had an amazing team.  I want to share a portion of an email County and Municipal Clerks received today from the Wisconsin Election Commission which applies to all the poll workers who helped in the weeks prior to the election as well as on election day…”Saying “thank you” is not enough for all of your hard work.  There was not a step towards yesterday that was easy.  Your carefully crafted plans had to be adjusted, remade, reversed, and restarted.  But every step of the way you were resourceful, you were resilient, and you found a way.”   Again I can’t thank everyone involved enough.  You certainly are the best!