FUND 80. Contact Your School Board Members and voice your opinion

We are encouraging everyone to get involved in the Fund 80 conversation.  Contact Waupaca School Board Members and voice your opinion.  The City of Waupaca at their May 7th 2019 City Council meeting approved and will be requesting the Waupaca School District to levy a tax in Fund 80 (which has no cap) in the amount of $350,000

As an example, here is a letter that was sent from a Town of Dayton resident to your School Board:

“I am writing to express my disagreement to using Fund 80 for the Waupaca City Parks and Recreation Department.

The city of Waupaca has created a problem for itself by expanding their recreation program beyond the available funding.  One solution, of course, is to reduce programming.  A second is to charge higher fees for those who use the programs offered.  Another is to increase the taxes of the city residents.  In the past such taxes have been supplemented with tax money contributed by the surrounding townships.  The township requests have been rising dramatically, and thus have been getting resistance.

The idea of using Fund 80 to fund the city programs is a means for the Waupaca City Council to avoid their responsibility to fund themselves, and to hide that burden in the school district tax bill.  This is not the intended purpose of Fund 80.  While it may be legal to do so, I feel it is not right.  Let’s have a straight forward government, where taxes are levied and collected by the agencies that oversee them and are responsible for their use, rather than using pass through accounts or other redirection of funds from one agency to another.

Please reject the Waupaca Fund 80 request.”

John Hoftiezer

School Board Members Contact information.
Currently the Waupaca School District does not use Fund 80.
Dale Feldt 19-22 715-227-1984
Steven Hackett 16-22 258-9626
Stephen Johnson, President 08-20 258-9530
Betty Manion, Clerk 03-21 258-9407
Sandra Robinson, Treasurer 93-21 258-0871
Mark Polebitski 18-21 715-707-0118
Patrick Phair, Vice President 14-20  715-340-3895